Who do I work with
Later in life, women become statistically more unhappy than men, despite starting from a higher level of satisfaction, say AnkePlagnol of the University of Cambridge and Richard Easterlin, an economist at the University of Southern California (Journal of Happiness Studies).
As a woman, do you agree with this? Are you happy? Do you know what happiness, contentment, satisfaction and relaxation mean to you?
Each of us is different, this cannot be denied. Each of us had a different childhood, youth, education, relationships, different rules were in our homes ...
Who are you? Where are you going to? Where do you want to go?
If you would like to work on yourself, I invite you to therapy with me.
Most men are very demanding of themselves. Usually they don't realize how much, and that they are too demanding. The reason may be that others expect extraordinary things from them, achievements in all areas of life. Therefore, they usually live in constant tension and stress. It's hard to live always ready, under constant tension and with high expectations and at the same time be happy and joyful, right?
How do you feel it, man? What are your emotions on a daily basis? Are you happy? Do you know what happiness, contentment, satisfaction and relaxation mean to you?
Who are you? Where are you going to? Where do you want to go?
I know from my therapeutic experience that few men know the answers to these questions.
If you are one of them who don’t know, don't wait for anything else, just arrange a therapy session with me. Together, we will rediscover you and work to make your life the best possible.
You're in a relationship. At least that's what I assume because you're reading this text.
When writing a relationship, I mean a romantic and intimate relationship, a relationship between a parent and a child, a relationship between friends and colleagues at work, and other relationships.
People come to me very often to fix their relationship. It could be successful very often if two people want that. This is the key, both people need want their relationship to be mended in the same time.
It also happens that during therapy, however, people decide to break up, both like human and in harmony. It is a very honest approach, although it can be extremely painful.
What's your relationship like? Happy and satisfying? Full of difficulties and challenges? Or maybe somewhere in the middle? Is there support and understanding on both sides? Openness to the other person?
The common truth is that a satisfying relationship takes a lot of work. Every party have to be involved. It is also true that each of us is different and has our own values, habits, expectations and sometimes even demands.
How well do you know the person you are in a relationship with? Approach this question with curiosity and honesty.
How do you feel in your relationship? Okay? Wrong? A little bit of both?
How do you want to feel in your relationship?
If you can answer all these questions honestly, I am very happy. Really.
If you feel or think that you could use someone to discuss these areas, I look forward to hear from you.
I am working with children from 5 years old.
Parents bringing their child to therapy have to be aware that very often (but not always) a child's problems begin with what the child hears and sees around them, from the people who are the most important to them. Therefore, dear Parent, take a closer look at yourself and your relationship with your child. If this has already been done and you still feel that your child needs therapy and it would be the best option, please let me know.
In my work with children, I focus on emotional and social development, mental health prevention and building self-esteem.
It is very likely that I will also want to work with you, Parent. At work, I use various therapeutic approaches in order to adjust the interactions according to the needs and expectations of both parents and the child. Of course, keeping the professional confidentiality regarding the therapy with the person concerned (excluding exceptional situations, which are always discussed at the very beginning of the therapy).
Aristoles argued that each of us has our true potential, our destiny, our meaning in life, and if we act in accordance with it, we will achieve eudaimonia - that is, happiness.
Being a teenager or a young adult may not be easy at all. Apparently times are easier, most things are available but ...
Do you believe that things make anyone happy?
Are good relationships important? Face to face, not online.
What are realistic and unrealistic expectations of life?
Can a positive attitude lead to frustration later? If so, why is it so?
How to be happy or content most of the time of the day of the year?
How to bring together pleasure and rewarding yourself with satisfaction in life at a young age? What are the consequences of this in later years?
Can teenagers' satisfaction with life affect their future earnings? Can the malaise and lack of joy in life as adolescents beat one's pockets in adulthood?
These are just examples of topics that teens and young people can work with in therapy sessions.
Common factors leading to a family happiness are contentment, very good fellowships and a sense of belonging to that family. First of all, the level of happiness and satisfaction depends on the level of happiness and satisfaction each of its members.
Families are very different and that's good because each of us is different. Nice, unpleasant and very unpleasant things happen in families. In different situations. Each family has a different dynamic.
How is it in your family?
Do you like to go home, to your family? From school, from work, from holidays, from a meeting...?
Are you close with your family?
What are your family relationships?
What are your values as a family? Do you know about each other’s values? Do you live up to your values?
Why something is happening in your family?
I work with families struggling with unwanted behaviour seen in children or adolescents. We work together, which means that a deeper understanding will contribute to how you can become more aware parents and limitunwantedbehaviours.I help manage family life and teach how to take care of any situation.
I help manage their lives and take care of the situation, achieve and conduct business in their practice as well as benefit throughout their practice.
I help in overcoming family life crises, a sense of being lost in life, a sense of burnout, depression, fears, as well as in searching for meaning and joy in family life.
I help people with mental disorders of old age resulting from dementia. I also work with their families, offering psychological education and support, among other things.
Do you want to ask yourself a question about your family? Do you want to work on it only with me or with your family and me?
I encourage you to make an appointment for the first session.