Topics to work on
Being in a relationship can cause us positive or negative feelings, satisfaction or stress.
If you don't feel well in your relationship or you want to work on for example:
- your relationship or your relationship problem;
- crisis in your relationship;
- divorce or breakup;
- loneliness in your relationship;
- misunderstanding in your relationship;
- intergenerational differences
... then book your first counselling session with me and we will work together to make your relationship with others satisfactory.
Is in your life a lot ... too much fear? Perhaps panic attacks? Do you feel so anxious that sometimes it does not allow you to live normally?
If so, help yourself. Don't be alone with your troubles. Contact me.
If you are fed up with your mood disorders and all medical grounds for their occurrence have been eliminated, it is very likely that they are caused by your mind. This is relatively good news because you can work on the structures of your mind and thus improve your life.
If you want to live a true life, contact me for therapy.
Regardless of whether you struggle with depression for long or short time, if it started unnoticed or was caused by a dramatic situation - there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You can get out of depression. How many peoples on the Earth, there are that many ways to achieve a happy life.
Decide that you want to live a life without depression. If you need help with this, please contact me.
Some people were taught how to experience healthy grief. How about you? Are you one of these people? If not, if you lost someone important, and you cannot cope with your state of mind, and therefore you fell that you may not be able to cope with life any more, then note that if others have succeeded, why would you fail to experience the healthy grief? Some people say that so or so helped them, that it is worth trying so or so. These are their truth that you can take advantage of and see if those strategies will work for you.
And if you decide that you need help, arrange a first session with me.
For each of us, a life crisis means something different. It will also have a different intensity. For one, it is when their spouse's left, for another it would be to get a notice of termination from work, for someone else a failed exam, for yet another person it may be a rebellious teenage child. Entering a new role can also contribute to a crisis, for example the role of a parent, employee in a new company or a retiree.
I work with people suffering from life crises as well as with people experiencing mental crisis as a result of various traumatic experiences.
What life crisis are you going through?
Can you help yourself?
Loss of mental comfort, loss of emotional stability - does this apply to you? Do you feel fear of the unknown? Excessive sadness overwhelms you? Do you feel helpless? Do you believe that you lack the strength to live, to feel? Are you convinced that your skills have devalued?
Most crises can be worked through. It's up to you whether you give yourself a chance. Will you give yourself a chance?
If you need help, see my contact details.
Self-esteem, self-confidence, guilt, helplessness - these are our own opinions about us and what we should feel.
What do you think about yourself, your physical appearance, your relationships with others, your character traits, your past actions, your successes and failures? Where do you position yourself in your surroundings, in society?
Do you believe in yourself? Do you consider yourself worse than others? Do you find it easy to take up challenges? What is and what is not your fault? Why might you not believe in yourself? What negative beliefs do you have about yourself, and where did they come from?
Does what you think about yourself and what you believe in about yourself help you in your life?
If not and you want to change it, I invite you to work with myself in therapy.
People travelling by plane must listen to what to do in case of unforeseen and dangerous situations during the flight. Parenting should follow one of these rules, the principle of the oxygen mask: first the parent, then the child. If a parent dies from lack of oxygen, the child has no chance.
How is it for you? Probably not too well since you are reading what is written here. There can be as many reasons as there are parents and children for difficult family relationships. I can assure you that a lot can be fixed if you start with yourself. Give it a try. The rest of your life lies ahead of you.
If you need help, do not hesitate to contact me.
Educational problems concerning children and teenagers
From my experience in working with children and teenagers, I have noticed that typical educational problems include for example: low self-esteem, impaired concentration of attention, withdrawal, adolescent rebellion, negating the existing order, criticizing people and relationships, or low grades at school. I also know from practice that family factors are very often an important source of educational problems.
Is it possible that this is what is happening in your family and with your child?
If for any reason the answer is yes, please use my services. I have already helped many children and teenagers.
The general idea of social phobias is quite low and superficial. Most people do not know what a person with social anxiety disorder might fell.
Do you or someone close to you experience anxiety as a repeated intense anxiety reaction when you need to be with other people (usually less known), meet new people, perform in public (also at school, university, at work, at celebrations), that is, in various social situations? Fear can isolate and limit such a person, right?
Come, or prompt such a person to come to my therapy. We'll talk about anxiety in a safe environment.
Did you know that under the influence of stress, cortisol molecules enter your brain and damage the structure in the brain that is responsible for remembering - the hippocampus? High levels of cortisol in the body, associated with the stress experienced, can cause memory loss.
We can work together on stress and its reduction. We will select methods and techniques that will help you, and they would be specifically for you. Feel free to contact me.
During a conversation, many people can ask about our work or if we work at all. The assumption here is very often that work defines us as a human being. Is this true for you?
Do you like your job (whatever you do)? Do you feel well in it? Are you happy to wake up to do activities that you enjoy?
Are you experiencing chronic work related stress? Do you experience difficult working conditions, role conflicts, competition, problems with employment, do you have to overcome difficulties related to the performance of work, maintaining a work-life balance...?
Are you overworked and because of that you fell like unwilling to work, or even to be at the workplace? Do you feel isolated and lonely, and disappointed with yourself?
Do not hesitate any longer; do not let such an important area of your life do not give you satisfaction. Make an appointment with me.
Life ... What do you think about your life? Successful? Fulfilled? Do you want more?
Diagnosis, tragic accident - "The doctor said I had...".
Does this apply to you? Does this apply to someone close to you?
Don't suppress your emotions, come and talk. I have extensive experience in such conversations.
Not everyone has a chance to prepare for the death of a loved one and say goodbye early enough. Sometimes we don't want to do it, because we want to believe that death does not concern us and the other person. We often do not want to face our own powerlessness and helplessness.
It is not easy to talk about death in general, because we live in a culture where it is not talked about. Especially about our own death.
Schedule a session with me, we'll talk about death. We will talk as openly as you will need.
Insomnia affects more and more people. It will probably soon be called a disease of civilization.
Do you suffer from insomnia?
Are you willing to think about changing your bad sleep habits and related matters? This, and perhaps taking the right medications, should bring the desired effect - you will eventually get enough sleep, thanks to which you will gain energy for work and life.
If you need support in this area please contact me.
The PWN encyclopaedia states:
Addiction - an acquired state of mental and physical health disorder characterized by a periodic or constant compulsion to perform a specific activity or to take a psychoactive chemical substance.
Someone told you that you are an addicted person?
Or maybe you have an addicted person in your environment?
Do you want to help yourself or someone else? Do you feel ready to help yourself? Does this other person want you to help them?
If your answer is yes, my contact details are on this web site.
Take the action.