Other services

What is supervision in counselling?  
It’s a service for a counsellor, and it’s provided by another counsellor or psychotherapist to review the way they work with their clients. 
Who is it for? 
It’s required for counsellors, practising psychologists and students but also for other professionals who can or must have supervision, e.g. doctors, nurses, social workers, people carrying for other people. 
Why is it required? 
It’s fundamental to the provision of safe, ethical and competent counselling. 
British Association in Counsellors and Psychotherapists recommends that supervisions are carried out at least every 6 weeks, and for students every 2 weeks or after a certain number of hours of internship. 
Do you need supervision? 
I offer my support so that you can develop your knowledge theoretically and practically, keeping your skills up to date and ensure you work in a safe and ethical way.

During a hypnotherapy session, people are guided through a process to induce a trance-like state that helps them focus their minds on a problem more deeply, become deeply relaxed or respond more readily to suggestions.

Clinical hypnotherapy can help you in so many different ways, and here are just a few benefits of hypnotherapy: 

  • Less anxiety  
  • Stress relief 
  • Regaining emotional balance  
  • Trauma resolution  
  • Greater self-confidence  
  • Better relationships 
  • Increased assertiveness 
  • Ability to set boundaries  

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), also known as tapping, is a scientifically proven technique used in psychotherapy, the beginning of which dates back to the 90s of the last century.   

What does it involve?  

The EFT method involves tapping the designated points on the face, body, hands with your fingers and at the same time focusing your thoughts on the problem from which you want to free yourself. 

Tapping harmonizes the mind and body, restores the body to balance in order to reduce the level of cortisol (stress hormone). This results in the reduction of the stress level and its physical and mental symptoms, such as: 

  • sleep problems  
  • phobia  
  • low back pain  
  • migraine  
  • headaches  
  • allergic reactions  
  • fears of failure, or  
  • anxiety disorders.  

Also, this is a great tool for:

  • dealing with burnout  
  • depression  
  • trauma  
  • post-traumatic stress disorder  
  • addictions or eating disorders.   

Feel free to contact me if you have more questions or want to book the EFT session. 

Information will be added soon.

From the summer of 2022, we start introducing group workshops to our offer.

The subject will be defined this May (2022). The announcements will be published in the News and on social media.

Information will be added soon.

Do you have a question?
Please contact us!