Do you believe in previous lives? Perhaps you are curious and want to know if there is such thing? Or perhaps you want to prove to yourself and others there isn’t?
There is a lot of contradictory information about hypnotic regression. For those of you who are curious and are looking to try it out, I recommend approaching regression with distance and interest.
Past vs Present
We often hear, it is the future we must concentrate on the most, the past is gone. Agreed, but… “arranged” past is also as important. Why? Because it strongly impacts on our behavior in the present and future. I’m sure you also experienced this in your present life!
Regression to previous lives strongly links to the concept of reincarnation. Reincarnation is understood in a different way by people from different countries and cultures. In some cultures, it is a natural thing. There even are some really detailed evidence proving these experiences.
In hypnotherapy, hypnotic regression is one of the therapeutic techniques. It is often used by people who are:
– curious about themselves and the world
– those who develop spiritually as well as
– those who want to fix something in their present lives.
With the help of hypnosis, a qualified hypnotherapist takes your memory back into the past. Depending on the need, it can be a regression to a specific event, to childhood or to the times before birth!
In the state of deep relaxation and the experience of altered states of consciousness you can delve into the most important aspects of your existence and find answers to your questions (I know from experience these experiences are comprehensively helpful).
Regression can be experienced in two ways:
Total regression – where you participate in it 100%, e.g. by going back to childhood, you begin to behave and think like a child, completely losing your current personality. Some cannot achieve total regression, others should not, due to strong emotions.
Incomplete regression – experienced by majority of people. You are aware of your body, your location, you speak normally and describe what is happening, and yet you participate in something else, another life.
Regression can be helpful
When you look inside yourself in a hypnotic trance, you cross the gates of time in order to (if this is your goal) once again connect with the negative patterns from the past, the one which inhibit you in this life, to endure various types of mental blocks.
The past is almost always connected to our present experiences. The causes of our problems are usually subconscious, and regression will allow you to discover these unconscious secrets.
By going back in time in a trance you can ‘watch’ and feel an interesting story. Very often clients feel inspired after such session. This journey usually is very emotional, which is a good sign, and it brings different emotions to different people:
– you can ‘invent’ a vision, but not such intense feelings or
– you can inhibit the body’s reactions, such as crying, but the greatest thing is to understand that it’s better to let go of these emotional blockages.
In this altered state of consciousness, you are more open to positive changes and can thus sow the seed of happiness. This, of course, will be the beginning of a good change.
After a regression session, some people do not see immediate improvement. Some don’t know how to notice it. That’s OK! Some changes are going to happen very subtly: maybe your approach to certain situations will change for the better, you will react differently, calmly, until ‘expiry’.
Some people feel and see the changes almost immediately. They feel stronger, calmer etc For others, going back to the past will be a fantasy or a symbol of releasing emotions. They also won on it.
I wonder what your feelings would be? Do you want to try it out?
Or perhaps you have more questions about regression?
Come to my open day in September (message me for a full address).
This will be your chance to find out.
See you soon?